How to Keep Your Lawn Healthy This Summer

Posted by Lush Lawn on Jun 21, 2024 5:00:56 PM

Summertime is here, and it's the season when your lawn is exposed to heat, drought and increased foot traffic. These factors can make keeping your grass healthy more challenging, with the added environmental stresses of the season leading to increased wear and tear. However, with proper care and maintenance, you can keep your lawn looking vibrant and healthy all summer. In this article, we will share some valuable tips to help maintain a lush lawn during the hot summer months.

Adequate Watering 

Watering is crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn in summer. Deep, infrequent watering is more effective than light, frequent watering. Watering deeply encourages the roots to grow deeper, making your lawn more drought-resistant. Watering your lawn early in the morning minimizes evaporation. This allows the grass to dry before the evening and reduces the risk of fungal diseases. Aim for about an inch of water per week, including rainfall. 

Excessive watering also creates problems. Watering too much means the roots do not have to grow as deep to get it, weakening the lawn in the long run and making it more likely to succumb to future threats. To help regulate moisture throughout the summer, Lush Lawn offers a number of different packages that will keep your lawn within the right limits.

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Additionally, WaterMaxx™ lawn treatment applied by Lush Lawn is universally proven to reduce watering needs up to 50%, helping you save money while keeping your lawn green throughout the summer. Its proprietary root zone moisture control technology enables you to maintain time between waterings and rainfall, thus letting you extend time between waterings.  To learn more, contact at lawn consultant from Lush Lawn at 866-668-5296.  

Proper Mowing Techniques 

Mowing your lawn correctly is essential for its overall health and appearance. The best practice is to set your mower blade at the highest recommended height for your grass type. Most types of grass should be mowed down to about 3 inches, considering that taller grass shades the soil, preventing weed growth and conserving moisture. 

Avoid mowing during the hottest part of the day, which can prevent stress on the grass. Regularly sharpen your mower blades to ensure a clean cut, preventing damage to the grass blades. Remember to never remove more than one-third of the grass height at a time, as excessive cutting can weaken the grass and lead to increased vulnerability to pests and diseases.

Fertilize Wisely

Feeding your lawn during summer can help it withstand the stress of heat and foot traffic. However, it's important to choose the right fertilizer and apply it correctly. Using a slow-release or controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer prevents rapid growth and minimizes the risk of burning the grass. 

It’s important to avoid fertilizing during drought conditions or when the grass is under stress, as it may exacerbate the damage. For this reason, Lush Lawn usually waits until August or early September to begin fertilizing, as the high rates of rainfall and cool conditions make it easier for the fertilizer to spread and be regulated.

Manage Weeds Effectively

Weeds are common invaders during the summer months and can quickly steal nutrients and water from your lawn. Regularly inspect your lawn for weeds and take immediate action to prevent them from spreading. For larger infestations, consider working with a trusted lawn care service team to ensure you have everything under control in a timely manner.

Monitor and Control Pests

Pests can cause extensive damage to your lawn, and summer is the prime time for their activity. Watch for signs of pests such as grubs, chinch bugs, or armyworms. Regularly inspecting your lawn for brown patches, chewed grass blades, or excessive insect activity will help identify a pest problem early.

One of the most destructive pest problems that emerge during summer is from Japanese beetles and European chafer grubs, with both species laying their eggs toward the end of June. They will begin to consume the roots of your grass as soon as they hatch, depriving the turf of the ability to take in nutrients and grow.

Ensuring that your lawn has enough water and nourishment to resist these pests is the best way to keep them at bay, as your lawn will already be strong enough to resist a grub infestation. Pesticides might be needed if issues get out of hand, but with the help of Lush Lawn professionals, we can eradicate grubs on a large scale without harming your lawn.

Keep Your Lawn Healthy With Lush Lawn

Keeping your lawn healthy during the summer requires proper care and attention. By following these tips for watering, mowing, fertilizing, managing weeds, and controlling pests, you can ensure a vibrant and lush yard all summer. For more information on how best to meet your lawn care goals, contact Lush Lawn for lawn care services.

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