How Long To Stay Off Lawn After Seeding

Posted by Lush Lawn on Sep 16, 2022 8:30:00 AM

The early fall is a great time for planting grass seed. But determining how long to stay off your lawn after seeding can be difficult to gauge. Even though summer is winding down, you still want to get the most you can out of your yard.

Reseeding is a great way to boost the health of your existing lawn. By adding some grass seed you can fill in bare spots and thicken up the spots in your yard that may be looking a little thin. Planting new grass is an important part of any lawn care regimen.

So, let’s take a closer look at this critical step of creating a healthy lawn and find out how long to stay off your lawn after seeding. 

Why Seed In The Fall?

According to the researchers at the Michigan State University Extension, fall is a great time of year to plant grass for several reasons. First, Many Michigan yards are covered in cool-season grasses like Fescue, Rye, and Bluegrass. This is the type of seed you’ll want to get. 

how long to stay off lawn after seedingThese grasses grow really well in temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They also benefit from shorter days and cooler nights. There is also less crabgrass and foxtail competition.

It helps to know your grass type. You don’t want to plant warm-season grasses in the fall. They thrive when planted in the spring or early summer. Keep this in mind when you go shopping for different types of grass seed. 

Set Yourself Up To Win

You can ensure good seed germination by making sure you have good seed to soil contact. Spreading seeds onto an area without incorporating them into holes, slits, or soil coverings probably won’t grow new turfgrass, but you’ll have a lot of fat birds flying around. Core aerators, a sod cutter, power rakes, slit seeders, and even hand-raking small areas will help you to get the job done.

How Long To Stay Off Your Lawn

So, generally, once you’re done seeding you should limit foot traffic for at least 3-4 weeks. Cool-weather grasses usually take a couple of weeks to sprout, but giving it a little longer to grow will help its root system to take hold.

By staying off of the grass you will give any seedlings that haven’t sprouted (and that you can’t see) a chance to germinate. And remember that young grass sprouts can be damaged very easily if you step on them.

Once you see your new grass coming in, don’t forget to water it a couple of times a day, too. And mow your new grass once your 3 to 4 weeks are up. 

Lush Lawn Services

Lush Lawn provides many lawn care services, including seeding, that will keep your grass looking beautiful. Taking the proper steps to care for your lawn, even in the days before winter, will ensure your grass is healthy when the growing season begins again in the spring.

If you need help maintaining your turf, don’t hesitate to call us. Our experts will be happy to answer any questions or help you in any way.

Topics: Lawn Care, fall lawn care tips

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