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Lush Lawn Xtender Program - Lawn Care Services - SE Michigan

Written by Lush Lawn | Dec 4, 2017 5:45:04 PM

It’s Revolutionary!

Our mission is to create and maintain beautiful environments for you to live, work and play in – this is infused in everything that we do and each service we provide has been carefully thought out and researched in order for us to ensure that we are delivering on what we are promising. Which is why, after months of research regarding the local environments here in Southeast Michigan, we launched this fall a revolutionary lawn care program – the Lush Lawn Xtender Program!


This program is like no other in the green industry! We have combined all of our applications into a complete and comprehensive package so that you can rest assured knowing that all of your lawn care needs are going to be taken care of from the start of the season to the end. A total of 14 services are included with this new Xtender program, and the pricing structure is even better! The base cost for each service is the same, flat price for all 14 services based off of our 7-application lawn care program based off of your property size.

We care about the environment, which is why we created this program – our intent is to make sure that all of your plants stay healthy, green and lush. We adhere to all state and federal environmental regulations, meaning we will never over treat your property. Also included with the 14 services, are free curatives – so if you suddenly have a lawn pest infestation, we will come out to treat that immediately and effectively. If left untreated, not only would your plants suffer, but pests and fungus’ can spread onto your neighbors’ properties, creating more problems.

To learn more about the Xtender program, give us a call today!