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7 Expert Tips To Protect Your Lawn This Winter | Lush Lawn

Written by Lush Lawn | Sep 5, 2018 4:01:33 PM

Late summer is the time that you should be thinking about lawn care tips for the winter. Why? Take the necessary action now to prepare your lawn for the winter season.

The Farmer’s Almanac says we’re going to be hit with another cold winter. Is your lawn prepared for the harsh Michigan cold season? If you’re like most people in Southeast Michigan, you’re probably not sure. Follow some basic tips from Lush Lawn’s expert lawn care services to keep your lawn healthy and strong.

7 Lawn Care Tips For Winter

  1. Aerate
  2. Add Lots of Seed
  3. Potassium
  4. Don’t Dethatch
  5. Remove Leaves
  6. Keep mowing the lawn
  7. Water

Be Sure To Aerate

By having a professional lawn aeration service such as Lush Lawn remove soil plugs from your turf by aeration, you can improve several aspects of your turf. Compacted soil restricts airflow, moisture penetration, and the root system’s ability to grow and expand.

Overseed Your Lawn

Along with aeration, adding more seed is the best way to thicken your lawn or keep it robust. The type of seed matters, as well. Avoid seeding with more than 5% inert ingredients (weed seeds).

Add Potassium To The Grass

Along with nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium is one of the three essential nutrients for a green, healthy lawn. Potassium is imperative in the fall because it helps your lawn better resist harsh weather. Look for a fertilizer that has these key ingredients.

DON’T Dethatch

Lawns actually require a layer of thatch to help keep in moisture and continually provide nutrients as the thatch layer decomposes. Unless your thatch layer is more than a quarter-inch thick, resist the temptation to power rake.

Remove Those Leaves

Sure, they’re fun to jump in, but leaves block sunlight and trap water…creating a soggy dead mess. Rake as much as possible – your grass will thank you!

Keep Cutting That Grass

Shoot for 2 ½ – 3 inches in height is ideal for this time of year. Too long and it can mat and invite fungus. Too short and it could harm root growth.

Water The Lawn

Many people stop watering as the weather gets cooler. While there’s definitely more precipitation in the fall, it may not be enough to keep the grass hydrated. In the fall, your lawn will need about an inch of water per week (a rain gauge can help with this).

About Lush Lawn

Founded in Grand Blanc and headquartered in Rochester Hills, Lush Lawn – Safari Tree has been providing Southeast Michigan with superior lawn and tree care since 2004. The company currently operates four branches in Southeast Michigan (Rochester Hills, Grand Blanc, Brighton, and Plymouth) and employs over 90 sales and service personnel, as well as state-certified technicians and arborists.

Do you need help restoring your lawn back to health? Lush Lawn is here to help, from providing lawn fertilizer service, removing weeds, to pest control, and much more. Contact our expert lawn care team in your area and don’t forget to request your free estimate!