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Fourth of July Safety Tips! - Lush Lawn

Written by Lush Lawn | Jul 1, 2016 2:04:46 PM

Independence Day is America’s birthday, and every American, especially every Michigander, celebrates with swimming, barbecues and fireworks. Some families celebrate by setting of their own fireworks right in their backyard. While this may sound like fun, every year we hear of someone taking things too far and being victim to a life-threatening accident. One never knows who will be next, especially when dealing with such a dangerous activity like fireworks. Here are some tips you should use when it comes to fireworks safety; with explosives, it’s always best to take the best precautions.

Careful with sparklers

Sparklers are often seen as harmless, but they can be quite the opposite. Each little sparkle that is released from the main body is heated to an average temperature of 2,000 degrees F! The reason you don’t feel that heat radiating from the sparkler is because the mass of the individual sparkle is so low that you really can’t feel it. Don’t be fooled! If left unattended, these can cause some serious fires.

Take Precautions

Don’t wear loose clothing while you use fireworks. Loose clothing can catch flames from the fireworks and cause you real damage. It’s also important never to light fireworks near dry grass or shrubbery, and when possible, launch them away from any vegetation.

Pet Safety Tips

Make sure your pet has an ID with a way to contact you. Keep your pet indoors at all times! NEVER use fireworks around pets. Citronella insect control products harm pets, too. Be mindful of the sensitivity your pets have to loud noises. Do not allow animals outside for extended periods of time without supervision or a gated property line.

Caution is Never Overrated

When you light the fireworks, don’t forget to stand back. If a firework does not go off, do not stand over it to investigate: put it out with water and dispose of it. Carrying a fire extinguisher is never a bad idea either, just be sure you know how to use it.

Lush Lawn wants to wish everyone a safe, and happy 4th!